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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Branding YOU

How are you doing at marketing yourself? You know when it comes right down to it, whether you're teaching school, leading a corporation, or heading up a non-profit, your effectiveness will be based on your relationships.

I've discovered that it isn't your level of education, the size of your bank account or even how cool your website is (though of the three things listed, I'd put my money on your website!)--it is how much people dig where you're coming from.

This will be a short post but a few things I want to share with you. One is the excellent social media website called Alltop ( Watch their explanation video here

It was at Alltop (an on-line magazine rack for your favorite topics) that I found the well written article on seven people who have marketed themselves very well. The article is on another great site called Social Mouths and can be found RIGHT CHERE

So go brag about yourself, in the right way. Help people. We need to be doing that!
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  1. Great post Winston and thanks for the mention/link, I really appreciate it. I'll stay in touch.

  2. Great post. I have totally adapted social media.I have gone from social butterfly to social media butterfly

  3. Thank you for sharing Alltop with your readers. We hope they find it useful.
